
by SuzyQ » 2007-03-31 15:27:17 #5518

Have a great Spring Break, chilliemander. OUR schools are not on break until the week after Easter this (and the past few) years. It does take time to catch up again after a vacation, especially if there are hard games in there and you want to improve your scores. We'll be waiting for your return.

by Dee » 2007-04-01 16:49:54 #5519

Hi Margaret, Welcome to our group! Hope you enjoyed the Easter Bunny game on April 1.

Chilliemader enjoy your time off and do something for yourselve that gives you joy.

Susie Q, I have had arthroscopic surgery in my right knee and it helped. I have a large pin in my left knee holding both bones together. I will have to get a replacement knee, when I can't take the pain any more but after 2 long previous trips to the hospital and rehab, I'm just not emotionally ready. It's not the surgery, it's the rehabilitaion. I had a cortizone shot in January and it was wonderful for 3 weeks and then one day, in a second, the pain was back. Have you had a treatment callled zinflex? I'm not sure how to spell it. It's a treatment that you get a shot once a week for 4 weeks. It didn't help me, but it helps a lot of people. Now that I have a break from crafts for 2 months, I'm going to start on my book and get some of these "thoughts" out of my mind. I find solitaire craving a relaxing outlet for me. Til later!

by Dee » 2007-04-09 16:19:38 #5520

Well I just got all the Easter decorations out in time for the grandchildren and now it's time to put them away! ugh!!! Our Grandchildren, Katie 19, came home from college for a long weekend and Daniel, 13, came on Saturday to dye Easter eggs. It is something that they have done at Granmma's since they were toddlers. I didn't expect them to want to do it this year but they called and said " are we coloring eggs? Katie is very artistic and every year comes up with new designs.

This year they were both excited, because I saw on "Martha Stewart" a technic of dying eggs by using old SILK neckties. Well we followed the instructions carefully and when they were cooled, they carefully unwrapped the eggs...Oh no!...they were still white! So Grampa "donated" another silk tie and we tried again! we carefully unwrapped the egg...still white! Needless to say, they were very disappointed. They dyed their eggs with egg dye and they were lovely! Guess who's writing Martha!!!

by Dee » 2007-04-23 08:47:53 #5521

Last week we stopped to look at the 2007 Saturn ion3, this week we own one! It's berry red with a sun roof. We kept our 2000 white Saturn sl2 with sunroof because George is going to retire in October and it will give him a car if he decides to work part time. Now he's uses the company pick up. It is the 3rd new saturn that we have bought, we really love them! Talk ti you later.

by chilliemander » 2007-04-24 11:00:59 #5522

Dee, we like Saturns, too. We own a 2003 Saturn VUE and my husband crashed it in December 2005. It held up well and was quick and easy to fix. I like the gas mileage, too.

by Jeanne » 2007-04-30 13:03:55 #5523

Hi, I love solitaire and Majhongg.

by Dee » 2007-05-01 11:36:21 #5524

A very tiring weekend! We went to visit our granddaughter on campus at DeSales University Saturday. we left with our daughter in law and her parents at 3:00 pm and arrived at 5:30 pm. We had dinner together at Applebee's and then loaded the van with some of her things to come home. We then went to the university Theatre to see the students in "Into he Woods." I guess you can say it is a "parady on Fairy Tales" but at my age I'm not sure! Anyway, they did an excelent job acting, producing, directing and also stage crew. It was liske a New York Show and their Theatre is fantastic! The show started at *:00 pm and was over around 10:00pm so, we got home shortly after 1:00 am.

Only hubby made it to church. I'm not a morning person even under the best of circumstances. It was a beautiful Sunday and we did yard work. We got cocoa bean mulch and it is so neat. Our yard is filled with this lovely scent of cocoa! Anyway... I'm tired again! Til later...Dee

Wecome Jeanne!

by Fallaya » 2007-05-04 11:58:09 #5525

Hi! My name is Fallaya (my online name, that is!), and I'm 33 years old. I LOVE playing solitaire, and I think I'm pretty good at it. I'm looking forward to challenging myself by playing on this website. I've already tried a few games, and let me tell you, I was floored!

I live in the state of NY, but am originally from California. I like playing Super Mario Bros (I've beaten every game) and I'm looking for a new video game to gent into. If anyone has any ideas, please let me know. I'm not into rp games, though.

by JBAMA1998 » 2007-05-04 12:11:54 #5526

Welcome Fallaya! You will love Solitaire Craving! Everyday a new challenge and plenty of friends to chat with! It is a great forum, you must try soduko & Mahjong also! Solitaire is my favorite though!

Dee I agree with you. I am and will never be a morning person!

by chilliemander » 2007-05-04 13:51:11 #5527

Mornings are awful. Why I ever decided to be a teacher, I don't know. I get up around 5 and don't get home until after 5 and I'm so exhausted by 8pm, I can hardly stay awake to play Solitaire Craving. Oh beloved Summer, where art thou?

by JBAMA1998 » 2007-05-04 14:24:23 #5528

A teacher chilliemander? You seriously must deserve Sainthood! You conquer mornings and then children! I have two in fourth grade and the drama gets worse daily!

by Dee » 2007-05-07 07:10:16 #5529

Hey...Does anyone still do "Spring Cleaning?" I just finished all the outdoor srping gardening. The front and back yard look great but my fingers and knees are killing me! Now it's time to do inside "Spring Cleaning...UGH!!!! I'm looking for an excuse to get out of it.

We just ordered a "litter box" for the kitty we want to get. That alone was a huge decision. First I wanted a pet door cut into our door that leads into the basement for the litter box. Hubby feels that the cat will spend too much time in the basement, and get into trouble. So we saw a litter box that looks like a piece of crockery with a plant coming out of the top, "disguising" the litter box, so now we have ordered it. At the rate we are going, I'll be lucky if we have the cat by Christmas!

Soon our craft guild will be busy making banners for our sanctuary. I sure hope it's not too difficult, then it will be time to start working on Fall and Christmas crafts. I'm getting dizzy just thinking about it!. Til Later...

by JBAMA1998 » 2007-05-07 12:40:45 #5530

Sometimes I feel like all I do is Spring Clean. Right now we are in the process of doing a lot of home improvements so I constantly feel like I live in dirt! I cleaned our house for 3 solid days and could still find more!

The litter box sounds neat Dee! We have a generic one stuck back in a hall way out of sight of most humans! We used to have two boxes but now only need the one:-(

by chilliemander » 2007-05-07 13:45:01 #5531

We have our litter box in the basement by the washer. The only problem is that sometimes we were accidently shutting the door, so the poor cat couldn't go, or worse yet, she did go somewhere on the carpet. Anyway, we hung a little bag with an old toy on the door knob, so we wouldn't shut the door. Now, our 22 month old is into shutting doors, so he keeps shutting the door. We had to hang the bag way up high, so he can't. He still tries sometimes and gets very mad that he can't shut the door. It's kinda funny. That does sound like an awesome litter box, Dee.

by sdemon99 » 2007-05-08 13:10:49 #5532

Hi all, my name is Steve. I am born and raised in Illinois. Love the site, especially the impossible games ;-)

by Dee » 2007-05-11 13:17:43 #5533

Well, I finally finished chapter one of my book and have started chapter two. After changing the title several times, I have titled it, "It Whispers in the Night" But...alas...I have NOT started the spring cleaning. There always seems to be something "more important to me" to do. Next week the craft guild is getting together to make banners for the church. alter, and June is fast approaching for starting up crafting again...I think I better get busy cleaning!!!

by JBAMA1998 » 2007-05-14 14:50:41 #5534

Forget cleaning Dee, keep writing! The title alone is intriguing!

by xaph » 2007-05-17 16:02:34 #5535

Hi, I'm Haylee. I'm from Texas, and... Well, I seem to have run out of actual things to tell about myself... I like solitaire and su doku, in my spare time I read anything I can get my hands on, and sometimes (when I'm feeling particularly daring) I brave the kitchen and make myself real food as opposed to the usual ramen noodles. Impressive, aren't I?

by Dee » 2007-05-22 10:32:11 #5536

I think we are the slowest people in the world in getting a cat! I believe it's probably because we never had a cat before and we're a bit scared about the new venture. Now we fiinally have a litter box. It's called a hidden litter box. It looks like a very large crock with greens coming out of the top and an opening on the side that you can place towards a wall. Our Daughter in law is taking us shopping next week for the supplies we will need for our cat and then I guess the following week we will go look at cats at the shelter. Any tips??

I am well into chapter 2 of my book. It's going slow, because I keep getting hung up on history in the 30's. I also have managed to Spring clean 3 rooms so far and get some flower gardening done! Thank God for pain pills! Now between Solitare and Mahjong Craving, that takes up another hour that I'm not willing to give up...why?...because I'm Hooked!!!!!!

And to top it all off, Craft Guild starts up in 2 weeks and I have to get my creative "juices" flowing! God, I love "retirement" and like everyone else retired who say "I don't know when I ever had time to work." I say Ditto! Til Later.

by Dee » 2007-05-23 08:25:19 #5537

Went to a craft class today that our township held. First I learned how to make a box with lid out of paper. Turned out lovely! And then I learned the art of Iris paper cutting. To my surprise, we didn't make an Iris! It's folding papers into patterns to make a design. We made a card with a kite on the too was lovely!. So, today I have learned that Iris paper cutting has nothing to do with Iris' and tea bag folding has nothing to do with tea bags!!! Who knew??? Til later!