
by Ber » 2009-09-28 07:12:29 #5618

Hi @Dee. It is great to hear from you and knowing how well you are doing. x x

by stevie777 » 2009-10-02 17:02:04 #5619

You are all very interesting and so enthusiastic. Steven

by cunningstunt » 2010-10-07 17:30:21 #5620

Hmmm. I've not done this here before. Hello to all, CunningStunt=Jody. Prefer CS tho, thanks.
I've been coming here for about a year, recently registered Bcuz I could not keep track of what games I had played.
I work from home consulting, free-lancing (visual & literary arts), bike riding, pool swimming; woman that is owned by 2 parrots.
I've been found on FB by DonnaMusica, so if any of y'all are on FB, feel free to friend me.

by KIYA » 2010-10-19 08:52:41 #5621

Hello all-- I'm new. I like solitaire. tongue
I found this site during art class when I'm bored.. which is pretty much the only time I use this haha. When we're not doing anything in class, I go on here

by fizzbut » 2010-10-19 16:52:49 #5622


by jusme » 2014-08-03 02:12:13 #9634

Hi everyone,  I am new to Solitaire Forum because although I played it regularly, I hadn't registered.   I am a seventy-two year old grandmother and I live in Bedfordshire in the UK and have been married to my lovely husband for fifty-two years. I love it that we can all talk to each online with no boundaries beyond language.


by Litoaegle » 2014-09-26 19:30:34 #9641

Hi I'am Lito from Aruba a sunny island near the coast of Venezuela. I like Solitaire a lot. I also like to read the forum. Have a pleasant day everyone.

subject Welcome!

by Di » 2014-10-20 03:54:57 #9644

Hi Lito! I'm Di from sunny Australia and I enjoy SC a lot too. smile

Am I missing a link?

by jusme » 2014-10-24 01:45:36 #9645

Although I look every day, I don't seem to see much in the way of new thoughts on the Forum - perhaps I am not looking in the right places.