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What to say? I have five wonderful cats who keep me smiling. I live in Essex around a mile away from the sea. My daughter has a beach cafe which I help out in. She cooks and I do the rest lol... It keeps me busy. Where I live is called the sunshine coast as we rarely have to endure the elements as others not so near the coast do. Today the sun is shining (6th November) and warm enough not to be bulked up with scarves etc. I have only recently come across this site and am well hooked already. What is the yellow star for which some of you have beside your name? Thank you for being my fan (Big smiles)

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Game Results for - Normaski

#6695 Not yet rated - -
#6694 Not yet rated - -
#6693 Not yet rated - -
#6692 Easy - -
#6691 Not yet rated - -
#6690 Not yet rated - -
#6689 Easy - -
#6688 Not yet rated - -
#6687 Easy - -
#6686 Not yet rated - -
#6685 Easy - -
#6684 Not yet rated - -
#6683 Easy - -
#6682 Easy - -
#6681 Easy - -
#6680 Easy - -
#6679 Not yet rated - -
#6678 Easy - -
#6677 Easy - -
#6676 Easy - -
#6675 Not yet rated - -
#6674 Easy - -
#6673 Not yet rated - -
#6672 Easy - -
#6671 Easy - -
#6670 Not yet rated - -
#6669 Easy - -
#6668 Not yet rated - -
#6667 Easy - -
#6666 Easy - -