Game #6703
Difficulty: Not yet rated
Time: 0:00
Moves: 0
Game Details

Game #6703, Generated on August 4, 2024

Played a total of 5 times by 0 registered members. Finished by 0 users who rated the difficulty as easy.

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That is why I do not say all that much these days. Why beat a dead horse  ?

I miss those days. Lots of fun!

Tight-lipped says it all. Different game. In the old game it seemed that many players could get the low score by following the detailed clues. It was a collective effort -- once upon a time.

There are clues ... It is a matter of whether we want to share them or not. So ... I see somewhat of a pattern. Game format must have changed somewhat. But I post this with tongue in cheek. It used to be that you should move anything over 9, (except for one  nine or two at the most). Now it seems it is better to play up or over whenever you can. However, that remains to be seen with the other low  scores. It so tight lipped anymore. I did test this hypothesis though. My score would go higher if I  just simply moved  cards over 9 rather than play them up or over. I played Q and K over

If I had clues, I'd share. I did the same things that got me 103 except I tried to improve my time. Presto! 96.

Larry, Larry, Larry!

When I click back in an hour or so, bet that will have slid down the page several places. You folks are tough to beat.

New Servers (2023)

We have migrated website components to a new framework and server. The core game components remain the same as in the previous version (be...

2023-02-13 10:19:09

Invalid links

I haven't been able to get the game to work for several days! When I try to move a card, it will disappear and the next card in the stack ...

2016-05-10 17:27:24

New Servers

The numbers indicates quantity of user takes this achievements!...

2016-03-04 22:18:13


[quote]Happy Christmas, we updated game script for using on mobile devices, and also we have updating card cover! [/quote] ...

2015-12-24 21:24:18

Scores and rankings

Any estimate as to when the scoring/ranking will be operational? I miss it. ...

2015-12-03 20:34:00

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