Invalid links
Adam, I've been going back to play old games. Often they won't relink to play them again. The links from the stats page says invalid too. Am I doing something wrong?

I can't login into the newer version directly. I could up until recently. I now have to log into the old format which redirects me. Any help would be appreciated.

Thank you for the fix.

Well,how do I log in?Please!!!!!!!!!!!!

CLAUDINE, can you describe what are problem you have ?

Ads (usually for Majong Craving) partially blocking the screen started appearing several weeks ago on the old Solitaire Craving game. I contacted you. Drew wrote back that there was an X at the top of the ad that would get rid of the ad. I responded that of course I had been hitting the X, but that every time the screen changes (starting a new game, finishing a game, hitting play again, refreshing, looking at statistics, etc) the irritating ad appears requiring me to hit the X again. This wasn't happening at any other site. Today, it is happening at the new Solitaire Craving and I can't play the game at all because I can't get rid of the ad - hitting the X just opens the ad.

How many players need to press 'Impossible', before the game is changed? Lately, we've had to wait several hours, before a new game arrives. Heeeeeellllllpppppp!!!!!!

Hi, now 10 players need to press "Impossible" button in order to restart the game

I haven't been able to get the game to work for several days! When I try to move a card, it will disappear and the next card in the stack will be there. I have tried restarting my computer and that has not helped.
I miss my morning game!
I miss my morning game!