Game #6694
Difficulty: Not yet rated
Time: 0:00
Moves: 0
Game Details

Game #6694, Generated on July 26, 2024

Played a total of 2 times by 0 registered members. Finished by 0 users who rated the difficulty as easy.

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Finally! At least finished.  Sometimes it seems like just cussed perserverance makes it lose its artistry and just becom a slog fest.  Not that I am any kind of an "artist" at this.

Thanks, Sue. I was able to finish and will try not covering the 3 next.

Not sure those clues are particularly helpful.  Try not covering the 3 and playing the K first.

Margie, try J and 9 first. 

I thought it was possible. Any clues for the clueless?

Rich, looks good to me.

A Moment!

New Servers (2023)

We have migrated website components to a new framework and server. The core game components remain the same as in the previous version (be...

2023-02-13 10:19:09

Invalid links

I haven't been able to get the game to work for several days! When I try to move a card, it will disappear and the next card in the stack ...

2016-05-10 17:27:24

New Servers

The numbers indicates quantity of user takes this achievements!...

2016-03-04 22:18:13


[quote]Happy Christmas, we updated game script for using on mobile devices, and also we have updating card cover! [/quote] ...

2015-12-24 21:24:18

Scores and rankings

Any estimate as to when the scoring/ranking will be operational? I miss it. ...

2015-12-03 20:34:00

Please wait. The result of your game is counting now.