Game #58, Generated on August 8, 2006
Played a total of 1989 times by 378 registered members. Finished by 299 users who rated the difficulty as easy.
You have not finished the game yet.
We have migrated website components to a new framework and server. The core game components remain the same as in the previous version (be...
2023-02-13 10:19:09
I haven't been able to get the game to work for several days! When I try to move a card, it will disappear and the next card in the stack ...
2016-05-10 17:27:24
[quote]Happy Christmas, we updated game script for using on mobile devices, and also we have updating card cover! [/quote] ...
2015-12-24 21:24:18
Any estimate as to when the scoring/ranking will be operational? I miss it. ...
2015-12-03 20:34:00