Game #1533
Difficulty: Medium
Time: 0:00
Moves: 0
Game Details

Game #1533, Generated on June 29, 2010

Played a total of 2609 times by 291 registered members. Finished by 177 users who rated the difficulty as easy.

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Today's Game Statistics

It looks like 74 people couldn't finish this game. Sounds "hard" to me!

OOPS. Yes, I do mean 6 straight up. Norm seems to have figured it out.

joe I hope you meant 6 plays up straight because if you're moving it and getting 133 there would seem to be a way to 132.

All hail his eminence, the Fizz! I am neither worthy to walk the path of K 133, but if I can find the other damn path to the 133, I'll be happy for it...

Hard to believe there is more than one way to 133!! But do believe this...all the clues down to where the talk about the K Q K etc etc are good. Ignore all that K first but do add 6 first and you've got one fairly straightforward way to 133. Because it is the archbishop Fizz, I do take his word that there is a way to 133 with K first but I am not worthy to walk that path.

OK I'm all alone here so I started wondering what the exact date was that I started. It took awhile to go back (I must be totally bored!!) but my first day on our site was November 2, 2009. A day that will live in infamy...or do I mean insanity. Ha Ha. anyone on? I just got here. There are so many clues floating around I will need to write some crib notes to navigate this game. But I definitely appreciate clues on the Medium games. It doesn't seem like I have progressed very far since I started playing last fall.

Yes Pa, Fizz is right. Cooler here in the Midwest--low 70's today and tomorrow and low humidity. Hope it blows your way. smile

Judy, very cute picture of Chica!

Stay cool both of you.. sure is sticky weather. We cooled down this evening..I wish the same for you. I can't find that last move.. giving up for tonight. Sweet dreams smilesilencesilence

Fizz with my current employment issues I had decided to forgo my A this year and it hasn't been under 90 day or night in my apt for about 5 days now. A cooldown sounds good to me.

It's to be cooler tomorrow here. Hope it gets over to you too, Pa.

New Servers (2023)

We have migrated website components to a new framework and server. The core game components remain the same as in the previous version (be...

2023-02-13 10:19:09

Invalid links

I haven't been able to get the game to work for several days! When I try to move a card, it will disappear and the next card in the stack ...

2016-05-10 17:27:24

New Servers

The numbers indicates quantity of user takes this achievements!...

2016-03-04 22:18:13


[quote]Happy Christmas, we updated game script for using on mobile devices, and also we have updating card cover! [/quote] ...

2015-12-24 21:24:18

Scores and rankings

Any estimate as to when the scoring/ranking will be operational? I miss it. ...

2015-12-03 20:34:00

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