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I am a married mom of four boys; twins that are 12, a 9 year old and my baby, who is 5 years old. After staying home to raise my kids for the last twelve years, I have returned to finish my degree, and become an educator. I am fairly new to solitaire, but I am hooked. In my spare time, I coach three youth soccer teams, and volunteer at my kids schools.

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Game Results for - bast

#6695 Not yet rated - -
#6694 Not yet rated - -
#6693 Not yet rated - -
#6692 Easy - -
#6691 Not yet rated - -
#6690 Not yet rated - -
#6689 Easy - -
#6688 Not yet rated - -
#6687 Easy - -
#6686 Not yet rated - -
#6685 Easy - -
#6684 Not yet rated - -
#6683 Easy - -
#6682 Easy - -
#6681 Easy - -
#6680 Easy - -
#6679 Not yet rated - -
#6678 Easy - -
#6677 Easy - -
#6676 Easy - -
#6675 Not yet rated - -
#6674 Easy - -
#6673 Not yet rated - -
#6672 Easy - -
#6671 Easy - -
#6670 Not yet rated - -
#6669 Easy - -
#6668 Not yet rated - -
#6667 Easy - -
#6666 Easy - -