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Linda Oliver

I live in Savannah, Ga. with a 16 yr. old son and three Scottie dogs named Teddy Chubs (Roxy) and Hana. They keep me very busy! One of them is quite devious and gets into trouble a good bit. If I wrote a book on everything he has done in the past five years you would wonder at how I have kept him alive. At times I thought I would have a heart attack but my arteries must not be too bad yet. I am a hairstylist and I work one day away from home and the rest of the days here at my salon and that is when I play solitaire while I am waiting on my next person. If they are running late it doesn't matter to me as I am usually working on my fastest time. Now, if someone comes in while I am clicking away and talks to me I just quit as I have found out I can not talk and play at the same time. I am glad I found this site as I find it very entertaining and I love reading the conversations because everyone is from all over the world. I am Japanese-American but have lived in the USA most of my life. If anyone would like to talk to me at any time about kids, dogs, hair, life, I am here or at

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Game Results for - Linda Oliver

#6920 Not yet rated - -
#6919 Not yet rated - -
#6918 Easy - -
#6917 Easy - -
#6916 Not yet rated - -
#6915 Not yet rated - -
#6914 Easy - -
#6913 Easy - -
#6912 Easy - -
#6911 Not yet rated - -
#6910 Not yet rated - -
#6909 Easy - -
#6908 Not yet rated - -
#6907 Easy - -
#6906 Not yet rated - -
#6905 Not yet rated - -
#6904 Not yet rated - -
#6903 Easy - -
#6902 Easy - -
#6901 Not yet rated - -
#6900 Not yet rated - -
#6899 Easy - -
#6898 Easy - -
#6897 Not yet rated - -
#6896 Easy - -
#6895 Not yet rated - -
#6894 Easy - -
#6893 Not yet rated - -
#6892 Easy - -
#6891 Easy - -