
Hello 57 Feral Cats

by EGV » 2011-10-20 08:33:52 #5099

by amesloberg » 2011-10-20 14:55:47 #7197

57 Feral Cats, you rock!! I used to belong to the Friends of the Plymouth Pound when I lived in Plymouth. Cats are very special to me. I lost my 18-year-old cat in July. Doing solitaire fast helps!!!!!!! Smiley face.

by 57 Feral Cats » 2011-10-30 16:22:21 #7198

Hi, amesloberg ! I just noticed your nice comment. It's good to hear from you ! I'm VERY sorry about your 18-year-old kitty who passed away. What was his/her name? They take a part of you with them and leave a hole in your heart. I started playing Solitaire shortly after I lost tiny Linda on June 1, 2010. I was so depressed and didn't feel like doing much of anything. I've lost 18 kitties since I moved from northern Virginia to Danville. It's really devastating. sad

Check out "Solitaire 101" hopefully to find some answers to any questions you might have about the games.

by PAMROSS » 2011-11-07 13:37:38 #7199

dear "57" I too lost a precious kitty/son in July of this year. He was 17 and his name was Paddy. You are right, they do leave a hole in your heart. I will always love him and think about him daily. I have 4 others that are always in need of something though. My oldest is 16 and I worry about his health but he is in good health. I love them so much!!! I would love to read your story but can't figure out how to find it on this forum. nice talking to you.

by 57 Feral Cats » 2011-11-07 17:08:07 #7200

Hi, PAMROSS! I'm SO sorry about Paddy. You can know that I understand your pain and your love for all of the creatures who have been a part of your life. Some of my oldest are about 16 or maybe 17. It's a lot of work keeping up with all of their medical needs. Look on Page 2 of the Forum and you will find "57 Feral Cats ~ Our Story". Nice to hear from you! smile

by EGV » 2011-11-09 11:05:20 #7201

Dear 57, just acquired a kitten he's about a month old. He's a barn kitten,nice butternut colored Tabby,out of a calico.Any advice for a New kitten owner?

by 57 Feral Cats » 2011-11-10 07:47:21 #7202

Well, probably nothing you want to hear! But the best thing you could do for your new little kitten is to have another kitten so the two of them can keep each other company. Having a second one doesn't really increase the amount of work you have to do for just one. As a matter of fact, it's a win-win situation. The two kittens will sleep together, play together, and wash each other. And they will entertain you with their playful antics! Please give this serious consideration. It'll be great for all three of you!! smile

by EGV » 2011-11-10 12:00:19 #7203

Thanks ,for the good advice! Q: What would you like to tell me that I don't want to hear?
You cann't be that bad of a person,since you like I love animals,be they cats ,horses,or what have you. Perhaps, I should listen , since God gave man one mouth and Two ears,why do you think that is? If more people understood the riddle ,there might someday be World Peace! Message sent with love , and hope that You are having a beautiful day!
Look forward to hearing/reading Your Reply.

by EGV » 2011-11-10 12:58:12 #7204

As I was looking at your profile i noticed that you have more stars than the Chiefs of Staff (lol) It's great that an English Teacher who enjoys Baseball & Football,is great at Solitaire as well.
I am also a Baseball/Football fan,and like many of the ret of us attended college at one time in my life,even though my life span has been shorter than yours. So by the way how was Spain? As Norm keyed in a few weeks ago All roads lead to Rome! /History Major who enjoys working with his horses and his horses enjoy him too! ( Especially when I bring them Carrots,Apples,and of course as everyone knows horses dolike peppermints. Talk to you more later Learning Center here at Churchill Downs is closing.

by 57 Feral Cats » 2011-11-10 17:35:58 #7205

Well, most people don't like hearing that they should have TWO kittens and not just one -- until you explain all of the advantages of it. They think it involves a lot more work and that just isn't true. What's the name of your kitten?

by EGV » 2011-11-11 10:19:02 #7206