
Protection died IPs active, this IP range is not allowed !

by Skrrrggg » 2011-10-19 09:43:58 #5097

Someone please help me?? I can't figure out why, when I try to access SC, I'm excluded
and get the above message. I have not altered a thing in my setup (Vista computer, Clear 4g modem)
and I've been playing for a few years now.
My Craving is a problem.
Thank you.

by Skrrrggg » 2011-10-20 17:59:18 #7194

Thank you for the reply, Di. I have not contacted admin, but will do so now.

by Di » 2011-10-19 14:14:52 #7195

This happened to me on my work laptop yesterday afternoon, too, @Skrrrggg. I figured work had blocked the site, but it must be something else. I'm able to access from home though. We've had a couple of cases of account hacking this week, so it could be something to do with that. Good luck solving the problem. Have you tried contacting admin?

by Skrrrggg » 2011-10-20 14:49:51 #7196

I'm connected again. no clue as to why it happened.