
Whats next......?

by franco61 » 2011-08-21 13:53:06 #5092

So I have done most of the puzzles except some of the hard ones from 1920-1953. Do we keep
playing these until all are done or do we do new ones? I marvel at the folks who do the hard ones
without much fuss. I feel bad for my cat he is able to be right next to me on the computer desk
for all of the games except some of the hard ones in which I start to growl that is when he
quietley removes himself.

by Di » 2011-08-21 16:47:19 #7176

Hi franco61. You can keep doing them if you want to or you can go on and play new games. As you improve and get to know the game, the hard games will eventually be solvable. The important thing is to have fun!

by vin » 2011-09-27 06:32:16 #7177

di wheres the new ones? i only saw one since ive been in this room. it said new, and not rated yet, but that was it.

by 57 Feral Cats » 2011-09-27 14:41:37 #7178

Right, vin! When you log in to Solitaire Craving or click on "Play" if you're already on the website, it takes you to the new game for the day. If you saw the words "not rated yet", that's because it was still early and enough people hadn't played the game and voted on its level of difficulty. Sometimes, it could mean that the game is "Impossible", someone has notified the Administrator, and we are awaiting a different game. It will read: "Finished by 0 users. This game is impossible."