
Hello All

by alex&max » 2010-07-11 08:37:08 #5033

Just posted my info. Would love to get some info from members. Thanks. William Quinn AKA Alex&Max.

by Games9110 » 2010-07-15 09:51:34 #6994

Hello! I love the picture of your dog! I also have too dogs: one standard poodle, Sean; and one chow, Bubba. They were both my father's dogs. The chow came first. When he bit Peter, my father was going to take Bubba to the animal shelter; so I took him. The vet said that they couldn't adopt-out dogs that bite. Then my father got the poodle. My father died about a year after that, and I took Sean. Bubba lets Sean dominate him most of the time, bacause my father taught Bubba that Sean was the "first" dog. Bubba has always respected Sean. When Sean came to my house, he was afraid to come upstairs. After Bubba and I went to bed, Sean cried and cried. Bubba went back downstairs and slept with Sean all night, so that he wouldn't have to be alone. I thought that was a precious gesture.

by 57 Feral Cats » 2010-07-19 17:34:59 #6995

Gotta love the animals, right?! They're darling creatures, each with their own personality that manages to steal your heart!

by alex&max » 2010-10-07 15:33:06 #6996

Didn't realize I had posts. Sorry. Animals are great. I had a cat named Julius (an orange tabby) that brought a mouse to our neighbor's sheep dog. The sheep dog didn't know what to do with it, but the next day it brought a rawhide bone to the cat, in trade I guess. They are amazing.