
Our beautiful way of life has been raped!!!!!

by firedancermom » 2010-06-28 14:37:58 #5030

This is a plea for prayer from everyone. I live on the Alabama coast and work at Hotels on the beach as an activity director . These were the most pristine beaches in the world until BP had this unfortunant accident!!!! Our beaches and bays are covered with nasty oil and sludge everyday that goes by. Gosh! I am just sick about all this . This was by far the most beautiful place on earth . Now out way of life is ruined. The dolphins and sea turtles are dying and our birds and wildlife are choking on oil!! Our santuaries are being raped by oil and killing all the new babies, I am asking all of u to please pray for our country, and all of us down south here PLEASE!!!! The economy was bad and jobs were scarse already but now more and more people are being forced out of jobs and business are closing. I tis so crucial that we have everyone join in prayer for our leaders and BP to make the right decisions and stop this terrible crime. It is all about the money and I think it is a travisty that our world is so focused on the liquid gold instead of humanity!!!!

by 57 Feral Cats » 2010-06-28 15:00:05 #6989

Briefly, all I can say is that I couldn't agree with you more. It makes me SICK and ANGRY to see the devastation of the Gulf coastline and the innocent wildlife either dead or coated in oil. I live in Virginia, but our hearts and prayers are with all of you down there who are suffering through this multi-faceted tragedy, and whose lives and livelihood are being destroyed.

by alex&max » 2010-07-11 08:32:18 #6990

This may well be the worst ecological disaster in our history, and the saddest part is that the big oil companies really don't seem to care. BP advertises "beyond petroleum." Well we know that's BS. The southern coast is beautiful, and to see this happen is sad and sickening to every American. We used to have presidents that would step up and address the problems we had with action. Firedancemom, you are right, and I hope and pray for you and your neighbors.

by Games9110 » 2010-07-15 10:28:40 #6991

Of course I'll pray for you! Thank you for asking.

by KARLOLINA » 2010-07-16 15:54:15 #6992

I will definitely pray for all the wildlife above & below the water.