

by Francis le Lion » 2010-01-31 13:57:19 #5005

Still a newbie on this site. Can anyone explain to me how to play a game under a minute? Just moving the mouce and cliking on cards takes more time then that... any hot keys being used or any tricks to get the cards to move faster once I know what I want to do with it?


by fizzbut » 2010-01-31 14:58:38 #6877

The browser you use makes a difference. Internet Explorer the cards tend to stick and move slowly. Plus just plain practice. It takes memorizing the game so that you have no hesitation between move. You'd be surprised how much time you can waste thinking about which move to do next. If there are 60 moves and you take a second to decide which move to do next that's a minute you added to the your time right there.

by Francis le Lion » 2010-01-31 16:16:59 #6878

Which browser do you recommend?


by fizzbut » 2010-02-01 12:54:39 #6879

The site was built with Firefox in mind so it's recommended. I use Google Chrome with success and others have said Safari works well. I think they are all safer to use then Internet Explorer as well.

by Francis le Lion » 2010-02-01 13:56:56 #6880

ok thanks I have used Fire fox in the past, I think I will give it a try again.


by Judith Lindenau » 2010-02-03 13:04:30 #6881

I agree with fizzbut about the browser, but the other issue is the speed of your internet connection: I am in the Bahamas, and even though I use cable and DSL connections, the speed is slow and erratic.

by fizzbut » 2010-02-03 14:05:44 #6882

I've always wondered about that. Though I thought that that mostly effects the loading of the game not the actual play. But if I were in the Bahamas I'd probably be moving slow on purpose.

by booster » 2010-02-03 16:17:37 #6883

I've played on all kinds of connections over the years and didn't find the speed to be a problem. Firefox works best for me, too. And you need a proper mouse. Then its practice, as fizzbut said. You'll find out which moves to use and which to avoid, even if the total number goes high.