
Hawaii tips

by fizzbut » 2009-12-12 13:34:13 #4999

Hey I'm trying to plan a trip to Hawaii this April. I know some of you are well traveled. Any tips for someone going for the first time and limited budget. I have free plane fair which is why I'm going.

by Dick Christensen » 2009-12-12 17:46:18 #6856

Hey fizzbut! I've been only a couple of times, but the island of Moloka'i, I think, is a great bargain. It's less developed than the other more popular islands which means fewer tourists but also means more privacy. You can sit on a 3 mile beach and not see anyone else. The eastern end of the island is very tropical and remote with beautiful hiking and waterfalls.
With the exception of Honolulu and Waikiki I don't think you can go wrong anywhere you choose to go. And if you like the crowds and the touristy kinds of stuff you can find good package deals for Waikiki.
Have a great time - I'm envious...

by fizzbut » 2009-12-13 18:01:24 #6857

Thanks Dick. A friend also suggested Molokai.