
No flipper

by libran19 » 2009-12-07 17:56:19 #4996

Pardon my ignorance but I have to ask. I keep seeing references to a 'no flipper' and have wondered just what it meant. If I had to guess I would say it means you can solve the puzzle without turning over the discard pack but I don't honestly see how you could solve it without going through the pack several times. Please put me right on this one someone.

by fizzbut » 2009-12-08 17:36:14 #6851

Your are right libran. It means not flipping the discard pile. It usually takes moving the right cards in the right order. Clues are often left to help figure it out. The fewer times you flip the deck or don't flip the deck usually gives you a lower move count.

by libran19 » 2009-12-12 10:31:55 #6852

Thanks for the reply fizzbut. Although logically I thought that would be the answer I still find it amazing that people find a way of solving the puzzle without resorting to 'flipping' the pack. I am obviously keeping company with some great minds!!

by Scrott » 2010-01-24 13:49:04 #6853

Thanks for the info, I had posted the same question earlier. Cool, now I know.

by fizzbut » 2010-01-24 15:44:59 #6854

If I recollect properly, according to Hoyle if you play solitaire by flipping 1 card at a time you are not allowed to flip the deck in Solitaire. If you flip 3 cards at a time, I believe you are allowed to flip the deck twice. Luckily Adam modified the rules, because playing that way you don't win very many games.