
Back to the beginning

by libran19 » 2009-09-09 06:04:23 #4992

Can anyone tell me if it is possible to get back to the first game, as I joined when the game was in the 700's so I would like to start at Game 1 if possible.
Just wanted to know if it is at all possible.
Would be grateful for some advice.

by fizzbut » 2009-09-09 08:05:10 #6843

Adam turned off the link awhile ago but it's at Playing them could hurt your score unless you play them faster and/or with less moves then your average since the average of past games is part of your score. The old scoring system you received points for every game you played, now it's just for the last 30 days plus the average of previous games. (If I understand what Adam did)

by libran19 » 2009-09-09 10:41:36 #6844

Thank you for replying Fizzbut, and for explaining how the system worked in the past. It would seem that starting from the beginning maybe not be such a good idea after all and I am very grateful that you took the time to point that out.

by fizzbut » 2009-09-09 11:08:38 #6845

I believe one of the reasons Adam changed the scoring in this way was to cut down on the number of people playing old games. Everytime someone played an old game it would have to recalculate everything which was putting a load on the server. If you want to just play the old games for the fun of it you can go to that archive page before you log on and play the games that way.

by libran19 » 2009-09-09 10:28:07 #6846

Once again many thanks for the information, I had no idea it was so involved. I might well play the old games before logging on, then at least I can see what I missed. Thanks for being so helpful.