
Something new

by fizzbut » 2009-08-09 10:43:28 #4988

Hi just wanted a new post at the top of the list to knock down that hairy existentialist rip off. Hope you're having a good day. smile

by Xavor » 2009-08-11 11:23:08 #6830

Have to get Admam to add in a "Report" feature cool

by renee12 » 2009-08-14 07:40:38 #6831

I just started playing, does anyone have any tips to move the cards faster? thanks

by fizzbut » 2009-08-14 12:12:15 #6832

Hi renee and welcome to the site. If you mean the cards don't respond very quickly it usually is the browser you're using. The site's creator Adam has said he originally built it to be used with Firefox. I've found it works very well with Google Chrome and others have had luck with Safari. Internet Explorer though has a history of being very slow. Plus if you use a laptop I don't think there's any way to play fast without a mouse. The mouse you use can also help to move things faster. Hope that helps. If you post a comment with the day's game you'll also find that people are eager to be quite helpful. Hope you enjoy the site.

by fizzbut » 2009-08-14 13:13:47 #6833

Adam needs to add an Spam rating to Forum comments so we can delete those freeloaders.

by Ib. » 2010-01-16 10:10:46 #6834

Fizzbut . Can you pls.elaborate on the use of the word extentialist , as a square headed from the cold north you lost me , easy naming the tribe I come from might explain why I lost it , squareheaded .According to the Bibel Oxford it is an anti intellectualist philosophy .What are you trying to say in plain English withouth stepping on any toes. sorry you lost me.
Ib.(the squarehead.)

by fizzbut » 2010-01-17 17:42:28 #6835

It was a play on words for an ad some website posted on the forum for hair extentions or something. That was before we had a way to get rid of spam. It was more apparent when it posted next to that thread. Sorry for taking liberties with the English language.

by Ib. » 2010-01-17 10:50:53 #6836

Got you.Would it have been maybee Stephans Hair , the Darling hairdresser of Queensland . Personally I can't stand him.
The reason I contact you is that I think that , for Newbies I have developed a system that Guides them step by step in the Puzzle and get them started .Who knows the Idea is so simple that it has probably been about for ages withouth me knowing it . Anyway . it helps me the way I'm going so no time wasted.
Cheers Ib.