
I am overwhelmed , how can somebody with a face like mine create a Fan.

by Ib. » 2009-11-30 16:23:08 #4987

First of all thank you Mom,Dianne Pymble Ward, Donnamusica.MCR Girl,Dick Christensen,Gage .
Fizzbut and Scooter E..
If anyone can tell this Greenhorn how and where to make a profile , I'm sure I got one , I had one day before yesterday , I will be Eternally gratefull .Make it square , my line is Scandinavian , isn't that what the Yanks call us. I am hiding as an Aussie now so it does not stick.
Greetings Ib.

by Dick Christensen » 2009-11-30 16:27:17 #6829

Welcome lb. I'm another Scandihoovian. My roots are in Denmark. Making or changing a profile is pretty simple. In the top right-hand corner of the page just beneath the box with your score and ranking you'll see "My Profile". Just click on it and then click on "edit profile" and enter whatever you'd like us to know about you.
Have fun! Lots of enjoyable people on this site from all over the world...