
New scoring system questions and comments

by joekayak » 2008-12-24 15:09:03 #4975

I am an avid "Craver". Thank you for the site.

I tried to send this in an email but I get an "email box full" message.

The scoring seems to be fair. I do have a couple of comments and a few questions.

1. There are 33 games listed as "active" at any one time. Are the scores the results of the last 33 games or the last 30 games? It looks like the score of the most recent game is not added until about 1000AM EST the next day (about 1/2 hour after the new puzzle is posted). Also, I see that overnight (EST), a score is dropped. The dropped game appears to be what was game #33 on the active list? Is that correct? In your post on the forum you ask "How is everyone liking the 30 day rankings?" and yet it looks to me like the last 33 games are being used.

2. Do you weight the results of a medium game or a hard game differently than an easy game?

3. Comment and question: I do like the way that you seem to have weighted low moves and low times so that they have about equal weight. Do you give any scoring bonus for folks who have bling? Like a 5 point bonus for lowest moves or tied for lowest moves?

Best to you and yours in this holiday season and the New Year.

by Jes » 2008-12-24 15:58:06 #6795

Since I'm not that good at solitaire, no matter how hard I practice, I will probably never get bling. Maybe I should get some bling for my cuteness, wit, and charm? Or maybe for my modesty?

by Dick Christensen » 2008-12-25 09:39:56 #6796

If anyone deserves credit for those attributes it's you, Jes...

by Hamlette » 2009-01-27 18:07:05 #6797

I have a guess to this old post I've never seen. It doesn't count "impossible" games. So, on the day you counted, were 3 impossible? That's what I guessed.

by kk » 2009-01-27 17:05:48 #6798

what is bling

by fizzbut » 2009-01-27 07:26:47 #6799

bling is the stars you can earn by either getting lowest moves or lowest time on each game. blink is used for when you earn a star but it gets taken away by someone beating you. These are terms the players have made up.

by kk » 2009-01-28 13:39:41 #6800

I get the whole lowest time thing but the lowest moves? I've tried to figure that one out but I'm always stuck in the 140 range.

by kk » 2009-01-28 13:42:24 #6801

that is the 140+++++++++ range

by fizzbut » 2009-01-28 15:17:11 #6802

The lowest moves for each game is different some have been in the 150's. Keep at it, check out the clues and you'll get better. When following clues try not to just follow them but try and figure out why they lower the moves and you'll learn what to look for on other games.

by Leetah » 2009-01-29 07:21:00 #6803

I just noticed that everyone who gets the lowest moves gets a star, instead of just the first person to get to lowest moves. I just wanted to say that I like this change a lot, since I can't always get to a game the minute it's been posted. So Adam, if you are reading this, thank you very much!


by Judy Sharp » 2009-01-29 07:00:15 #6804

Thank you for all the insightful posts fizzbut - they cleared up several questions for me too.

by fizzbut » 2009-01-29 16:42:45 #6805

I just learned that stars drop off after about 30 days with each game that drops off the 30 day scoring base.