
Same number of moves + better time but no star

by Tom » 2006-12-26 08:05:27 #4871

I'm writing this for my mother (@Gine), who has noticed this with some of her games. She has the least moves, together with @emm, and a faster time. But @emm still gets to keep the star! I know this game is just for fun, but I think my mother deserves the star!

Good example is the game on December 25th.

by fraug » 2006-12-26 16:18:34 #6170

That is because the first person to get the lowest moves gets the star. In order to get one you have to go lower.

by Gine » 2006-12-26 17:38:07 #6171

thanks Fraug;
So I just have to get up earlier!