
same time new lower moves still not recognizing

by vampje » 2006-10-11 13:43:54 #4858

i think this is an old bug but i am still noticing it. i finished a game inthe same time, but wiht lower moves. my lower move score is showing as #2. is there some way to have the scoring system rank by time and then by moves?

or is my understanding of ranking a bit off, and this doesn't matter?

game 122

1. 1:51 150 vampje October 11, 2006
2. 1:51 147 vampje October 11, 2006

by fraug » 2006-10-11 14:13:58 #6149

The stats show your lowest moves at 147. It looks like you're looking at your personal times for the game which shows in order of the lowest times regardless of moves. Score #1 is probably milliseconds faster than #2 so it shows first.