100th Game!
As pointed out by many people, Solitaire Craving turned 100 games old today! We have 744 registered members, 454 of which have finished a game and 34,665 games have been played. In the time it took to edit the previous sentence 14 more games were finished.
Thanks to everyone who has stuck with Solitaire Craving through all the bugs and on the day when the game didn't generate at all! A big special thanks to those who signed up when Solitaire was a couple of days old, those of you who still play today!
Member #7 @Dee
Member #10 @amfur
Member #13 @luigi de nichilo
Member #15 @fraug
Member #19 @Mary McKinlay
Member #22 @T
Thanks to everyone who has stuck with Solitaire Craving through all the bugs and on the day when the game didn't generate at all! A big special thanks to those who signed up when Solitaire was a couple of days old, those of you who still play today!
Member #7 @Dee
Member #10 @amfur
Member #13 @luigi de nichilo
Member #15 @fraug
Member #19 @Mary McKinlay
Member #22 @T

A very special thank you to you, Adam. You have made this game personable and fun for everyone. We are enjoying not only the games but getting to know everyone. A bright spot in everyones day! Dee

During the holidays my grandparents would have a jigsaw puzzle going. Friends and neighbors would stop by, have a bite to eat or a cup of coffee and end up working a bit on the puzzle. Some would stay awhile and get really into it, looking for that one little piece which usually someone new would walk up, pick up the piece and ask is this it? Your game reminds me of a really great time of my life, Adam, thanks for having us all in, it is really fun.

Solitaire Craving may be on it's 100th+ game ... but I am on my 2000th game I am sure ... lol ... so many replays of some of these games .... I've said it before ... but thank you Adam for making Solitaire come alive again for me!

you do not have to tank us,adam we tank you for giving us this pleasure

i love this site. i hate i can't play it more during the week, on the weekend i make my hand tired clicking the cards hoping to up my score. it's definitely an addiction. solitarecraving is a fitting name. i love how responsive you are to everything, and bugs get squashed really quickly.

Adam, out of curiosity, how many people have finished every game (except the impossible ones)? When I joined up (somewhere around game 40 or so), working through all the previous games was a nagging compulsion. The good thing about having just one new game per day (once you are caught up) is that it keeps one's game playing from getting totally out of control.

thank you to you! (and sorry for bad english)