
Question on best moves..

by Adam Lyttle » 2006-08-26 14:48:42 #4809

After finding out how the fastest players get theirs scores, I would be interested to learn how the players with the highest accuracy get theirs (Least amount of moves).. Do you memorise the playing field or do you play every move possible? Do you play the game again and again or does it just happen?

by fraug » 2006-08-26 14:50:31 #5799

I would say the players with the least accuracy probably don't even look at the screen, they just click around and hope something happens!

by Adam Lyttle » 2006-08-26 14:52:42 #5800

You posted before I edited my post! Not only are you fast in the game, your fast on the forum!

A correction: I would be interested to learn how the players with the highest accuracy get theirs (Least amount of moves)..

by Saam » 2006-08-26 11:32:53 #5801

I usually give it a couple of goes, then try to get my moves down with different combinations of leaving cards in the deck & moving them down to the piles. Then try to refine until i can't take it any more!

by mouse » 2006-08-27 07:56:49 #5802

i absolutely for the life of me can not figure out how to do things in fewer moves.. aside from the obvious like not bringing down extra twos and threes on occasion of course. I think that takes a lot more brain and skill than faster time...

by Saam » 2006-08-27 11:52:18 #5803

I make sure not to move piles that don't need moving: ie when all kings are out & there's a pile that will go on one, check if it needs to be moved to free up a card underneath. If it doesn't, don't move it!

by emm » 2006-08-27 15:14:29 #5804

Look for "the fork in the road" where you have two choices, I find out what each choice is and hit the restart button. To me, this is a game of reflexes, memorization and strategy and I am totally fasinated with how many different ways you can finish this game.

by Adam Lyttle » 2006-08-27 15:56:27 #5805

You must have a really good memory @emm. I have difficulty remembering all of the different choices along the way. I often find myself making the same mistake several times. Other times I think it comes down to reflexes, the hints will say 'Don't use the Jack of Diamonds' but for some reason (without me realising it) the Jack of Diamonds appears in the playing field.

by Wingy » 2006-08-27 16:24:27 #5806

I have to play fast so when the wife comes in the room I can be looking at the site smile

by Adam Lyttle » 2006-08-27 17:13:55 #5807

Haha! Very funny @Wingy! smile

by fraug » 2006-08-27 06:05:40 #5808

My secret is to accidently not make a play with a card that I normally would. That way I get a good move count that I can never seem to reproduce for speed in order to make it on the board because I continue to make the play normally.

by Adam Lyttle » 2006-08-27 07:02:31 #5809

That issue has been fixed @fraug.

by emm » 2006-08-27 14:43:29 #5810

I'm dyslexic so have had to remember and be a creative thinker all my life. I think it actually works to my advantage in this game.

by fraug » 2006-08-27 15:17:38 #5811

Doh, I wish you had done this before I spent all night trying to replicate a game where i got the least moves but not fast enough for it to post. At least your modifications seem to have picked up on the move count so I don't have to mess with it anymore =)

by Jabba » 2006-12-13 11:43:19 #5812

As I do not have a good memory, my strategy is to focus only on few key cards from the piles, looking for those cards that can be used in different ways.
So I play for some time giving some tries to the game to discover as much as I can.

As I can't rememeber all the positions of the cards, I follow some rules:
1) I try not remember cards that cannot be played other than in one way
2) I focus only on key cards that can make some kind of difference in the play
3) I use those key cards in as many ways as I can in different plays

That's for the strategy.

The difficulty is in identifying (and memorizing) those "key cards that can make some kind of difference in the play". So I apply different rules, that also differ for the dog pile and the main 6 piles.
I do not recall exactly (and I'm not able to express easely) all the rules...
One rule to identify a key card in the 6 piles is by answering to the question: "Can that card be leaved there without using it until it'll naturally go in the home piles?".

My two cents... smile