How can I increase my score and rank?
The best way to increase your score and rank on Solitaire Craving is to play games that you have not yet completed. Hard games will increase your score more than easy games will. Simply click Easy, Medium or Hard at the top of any page. This will load up a game that you have not yet played.
If you have played all of the games, but still want to increase your score and rank, you can click 'My Profile' at the top right of any page. From there you click 'view more stats'. This will load up all of the games that you have played. I recommend going to the end of the list, this is where your most time consuming games are listed. Simply click on the number of the game (in the second to right column) and beat your previous time.
If you have played all of the games, but still want to increase your score and rank, you can click 'My Profile' at the top right of any page. From there you click 'view more stats'. This will load up all of the games that you have played. I recommend going to the end of the list, this is where your most time consuming games are listed. Simply click on the number of the game (in the second to right column) and beat your previous time.