
subject Purple and Gold Stars

by harleyman » 2015-04-08 02:31:27 #9664

I'm curious what the Gold and Purple stars by your name mean?

by jumpingbird » 2015-04-08 12:56:50 #9665

Hi Harleyman. 

I think I know the answer, but can't be sure, so if anyone contradicts what I write here, they are most likely right.

It appears to me that the purple stars are given if you have the solution with the lowest number of moves. You have 183 of these! As a new player going back to play old games, I see your username popping up over and over again in the top ten list of low move solutions. You're an inspiration.

Gold stars are given if you finish a game quicker than anyone else. At the moment, you don't have any of those showing on your profile.



subject Purple and Gold Stars

by harleyman » 2015-04-08 21:58:54 #9666

Thank you jumpingbird, that makes sense to me.

by jumpingbird » 2015-05-29 11:00:41 #9670

Hi Harleyman. You've been busy! Last time I replied you had 183 lowest moves, now you have 415! Congratulations.

subject Purple and Gold Stars

by harleyman » 2015-05-29 20:31:08 #9671

Thank you jumpingbird, I've been busy playing archive games.