
I get by with a little help from my friends

by fizzbut » 2013-04-29 06:58:46 #5279

This is a humble request and don not feel obligated in any way but I have published a blog for the first time and I would appreciate some feedback. It is related to my business and is more of an experiment I think then anything else. Trying to figure out these new fangled gadgets called computers and the internet. The blog is at You English teachers please feel free to critique my grammar and phrasing. I would much rather hear it from you and correct it then leave it out there. Also, if you could click the Facebook like or anything else and/or click the rating at the bottom of the page I will give a non-cryptic clue for anyone who does. smile In any case I would be very grateful. I have some exciting things developing for my business and this is something I will need in the future.

by zaphod » 2013-04-29 08:11:37 #7884

I am writing this from Vienna Austria and of course Feierabend is a term I understand. I coulod not as yet find your blog bit found your website and the information you are providing about windows is encyclopedic,useful and interesting. I shall try to find your blog also. Good luck in you business. I also admire your record on SC

by fizzbut » 2013-04-29 08:21:50 #7885

@zaphod thanks! I may be using the wrong term but that site is all I have so it is what I was referring to. I am a little concerned about the term encyclopedic. I am trying to find the balance between giving enough info vs too much and too lengthy detail.

by zaphod » 2013-04-29 08:42:15 #7886

Don't worry about encyclopedic. At least us Europeans like to be fully informed. In Vienna there is not as much and the types of building as in the US, but it is still useful even for us to know what is on your site. Of course we could find similar information on Wikipedia but what you write is more complete and also there is the personal; touch of somebody who really knows matters from personal experience. You provide that and that is your forte. On a personal note, do you speak German?

by fizzbut » 2013-04-29 09:22:12 #7887

Nein. Great grandparents immigrated to the US on the Feierabend side. I had a grandmother who was born in Germany. The problem with living in a predominantly English speaking continent is there is little opportunity to exercise and learn other languages. So I struggle along learning English. smile I do know what Feierabend means. I had a friend who lived in Germany for awhile and explained the colloquial usage of it too.

by fizzbut » 2013-04-29 09:23:46 #7888

Oh and I know that Marvin windows which I mention does export to Europe.

by zaphod » 2013-04-29 10:39:38 #7889

Thank you for response, Guten Abend

by fizzbut » 2013-04-29 15:38:42 #7890

I guess the technical term they're using for what I posted is an article. You say tomato... Thanks to all who read it anyway. smile

by dphifer » 2013-04-30 10:44:02 #7891

Fizzbut, Article or blog, it is very informative. I did not have time to read it all, but I did read most of it, so I "Liked" your page and posted it to my Facebook page. Good Luck!

by fizzbut » 2013-05-01 14:53:59 #7892

Thanks Denise. It's a learning experience mostly.

by dphifer » 2013-05-06 15:10:03 #7893

Well, that's how we learn, by trial and error and hopefully with help from our friends!

by fizzbut » 2013-05-06 15:42:18 #7894

Well I seem to be doing something right I managed to get it to show up at the top of a Yahoo search when using Central Ohio. That's good because the keywords in my topic have all kinds of sites that come up. But I can't get google search to find it for nothing. Haven't found any teachers to get out their red pencils yet. I know I must have some grammar errors. I would also like to know if any part does not read easily. When you're familiar with a topic sometimes what seems easy to understand for you may not be for someone less familiar. Hope you all know that I'm offering complete immunity. smile In fact the more brutally honest the more I would appreciate it. The site is graded by other bloggers in Hub pages and a good grade can give it more exposure. These are some of the things they grade it on.

by King of Hearts » 2013-05-12 17:19:21 #7895

Sir Fizz. I used to be a home improvement specialist myself. Your article was very informative, that is, written in a way that a homeowner could understand. The information was accurate with a flowing context. There were some grammatical errors that I noticed. I was not sure how you wanted me to bring this to your attention. Overall, your article was very well written. The content had an organized cognitive progression. I did not explore every avenue that your article offered; just the two main pages for right now. I am in very much agreement with your selection of Simonton windows. I was highly pleased with how they installed. Norandex has compatible windows. I did not notice much difference other than price. For a short time I installed windows for a company called Vi-Tech. The marketing company was Capital Windows. This is about as cheap as you can get. Frame was 2 1\2 thick. When the window sat in the frame, it bowed away from the stop of the existing frame pocket in the middle. You would have to help this window set solid against the stop. Those are the windows you have to watch that you mentioned in your article. The sashes were sloppy in the frames. Another company you have to watch is Window World. I would say that the grade of these windows would be a "C". They might do the job, but the vinyl frames are not that great. They seemingly offer you a great price per window, but by the time they charge you for all the add-ons for energy efficiency, you end up paying what most other people are paying for replacement windows.

by fizzbut » 2013-05-12 17:40:19 #7896

Thanks KOH for the input. Very much appreciated. If you want to take the time with the grammar my email is I never can proof read my own writing the way someone else can. So thanks again.

by fizzbut » 2013-05-12 17:47:22 #7897

The next one I want to write is on contractors. You're right about the deals. In fact sometimes the "deals" cost you more in the end. I can offer people $99/mo financing but I have to sell the windows for more to do it. Larmco windows are offering $200 back for each window they take out. What a deal right? Only it's really a loan at almost 30% interest. What a deal.

by King of Hearts » 2013-05-12 11:35:25 #7898

Sir Fizz, I tried sending you an e-mail and I received the message as invalid address.

by fizzbut » 2013-05-12 12:24:50 #7899

the @ is missing in my address because SC uses it for names.

by fizzbut » 2013-05-12 12:35:30 #7900

And thanks for the comment you posted!