
Improve number of moves

by Marwood » 2008-07-14 13:18:47 #4952

I see some of you have very little moves compared to mine. How do you do it? Also, is there a special mouse to help make my time faster? Some of these times/moves are unbelievable!! Wow.

by fizzbut » 2008-07-15 17:01:30 #6483

@Marwood, finding lower moves is about learning to look for certain options. I have to say I learned a lot from the clues that are given by seeing what kind of moves help lower moves. I always look for what cards don't have to be moved or brought down but can be played straight up. Just like speed, you need to play each game numerous times to get a good score. Speed always requires memorizing the game so you don't have to hesitate on which card to move next. I understand there is a gaming mouse. I just found an optical mouse with no mouse pad works very well.

by Marwood » 2008-07-15 09:12:13 #6484

Thank you so much for your info. Experience IS the best teacher, eh? Have a great day!

by Marwood » 2008-07-19 17:58:03 #6485

Another question... on average... how many times do you play each game???

by fizzbut » 2008-07-19 12:04:13 #6486

I just went back a few days and looked at how many times each game had been played and divided it by the number of players and the average of all players looks like it's around 7-10 times. I don't count how many times I play but I would guess it's more like the 15-20 range. I'm sure some days it's probably much more if I'm can't find the lowest moves and I'm really dead set on finding it.
I've heard say that if you ask an alcoholic how much they drink, whatever they say it's probably double that. I don't know if that may apply here or not. smile

by Mom » 2008-07-20 16:35:28 #6487

Marwood, my times are so horrible that I always try for lower moves. I used to play about 30 games a day, but I retired in June, and now I play around a hundred games a day. As the novelty of retirement wears off I'm sure I'll cut down on the number (at least my husband hopes so).

by D » 2008-08-12 14:27:35 #6488

Marwood, I usually play an average of 10-15 games a day at least. Sometimes I get lucky and find the low moves in just a couple of games, but watch out as soon as you do someone will go at least 1 move lower, and then you start again smile

by arjun varma » 2008-08-21 07:46:56 #6489

I wonder why speed is only the criterian. Why not the number of moves considered for ranking
Arjuna Varma P

by fizzbut » 2008-08-21 14:10:59 #6490

Number of moves is very much part of the rankings arjuna. Adam hasn't given a specific breakdown on how the rankings are calculated but from what he's done in the past and what he has said about the new system (I think it's less then 2 months old) this is roughly how it's done.
A portion of the score is made up off the average of all games a player has played prior to the last 30 days(I'm guessing around 25%), The rest of the score is off of time and moves for the last 30 days. Scores are calculated by how much your time and moves are off of the average time and moves of all players for each game. The moves score is doubled because there's a greater variance in scores for time then moves and by doubling the moves score, it more closely gives an equal weight to the amount one can score either by time or moves.