
From the Land of the Long White Cloud

by Cloudstar » 2007-01-25 07:53:34 #4874

Hi, I'm Steve and I live in New Zealand. I call myself Cloudstar here. This is kind of inspired by the common description of New Zealand - 'the land of the long white cloud'.
Oh - I'm 45 going on 22.
I play a bit of on-line chess, a game I've played since I was a kid. I used to play a bit of on-line poker (just for fun - not money) but in the last couple of years I've become intrigued by Solitaire.
I've also been interested in the new software packages that have been released for the game. Some of the graphics, etc are fantastic.
I found this site quite by accident after keying in the word 'solitaire' into a webcrawler. I'm sure its got a great future with loads of potential. Thanks for launching it!

by Dee » 2007-01-25 08:40:36 #6173

Hi Cloudstar...Welcome to the group. We all have a great time and are getting to know each others personalities and playing skills. I have a son who is 47 and I hope he never grows up either! Dee

by Renee » 2007-01-27 17:58:26 #6174

Hi cloud, welcome. I am 43 going on 22, I know what you mean. I enjoy games, video, word and board. This is a great site and I know you will enjoy it.