
why do rankings take so long to change sometimes?

by Irishp » 2013-04-11 17:49:16 #5271

If anyone knows this, I'd appreciate knowing why sometimes a game is won but the ranking does not change. Then if you log in later it may have changed. Also I've noticed that the past few days I have won many games that were not tallied into my ranking. Frankly I find this a disincentive to keep playing on this site. I am unable to compete evern with myself. has anyone else experienced this?

by fizzbut » 2013-04-11 07:36:57 #7840

Hi @Irsishp, the rankings I think only update once a day and are affected by how well others play but is a bit complicated. Only games from the last 30 days count toward your score. So the best way to up your rank is to complete and better your times and moves on those games which you can access from your profile. A new scoring system is suppose to be in the works which will hopefully simplify things but most of us play for the entertainment and challenge.

by CtownChris » 2013-04-11 12:31:39 #7841

Irsishp, I see you have 11 unplayed games listed. Perhaps you did not log on when you played some of them, therefore they did not count in the ranking. Ranking is also related to other players their times and number of moves in relation to yours. I can kick butt on time but trail in number of moves and my rank will not change.

by Irishp » 2013-04-11 13:25:26 #7842

Thanks so much to you who replied to me. I am frustrated because I seem to be getting only the same few games presented. Many times they are games I have already won and they keep coming up. Do you think this system is fairly ill-maintained? I wonder if anyone has set a system up where the games rotate on a more equatible basis. By that I mean games that have not been won and remain a challenge. I'll try accessing from my profile. I'm sure I'll have more questions then.

by fizzbut » 2013-04-12 17:19:52 #7843

There were changes made that I think effected the game selection if you are using the "Easy, Medium, Hard" links. Then it was sold and the current administrators do not have the source codes for the game. This is part of the reason they are working on a new scoring system to rewrite the code so they can properly maintain it and to create a mobile app. It won't change your score as much to replay games, only if you improve the time or moves. Your profile will list the games you have and have not played for the last month which like I said are the ones that count.