
Comments and suggestions for the comments and new ranking system of SC.

by donnamusica » 2013-01-18 07:16:58 #5254

by donnamusica » 2013-01-18 07:18:51 #7640

Please leave your ideas here...Yuriy is mostly concerned with the rankings rather than the ratings but I think the ratings need amending as well. Won't it be wonderful to be able to use it on ipad, iphone and Android? smile A wonderful game even more accessible!

by 57 Feral Cats » 2013-01-18 07:44:39 #7641

Well, this is off-topic . . . but can we correct the apostrophe ' which shows up as ' ?! (See? When I typed an actual apostrophe [above] after the word "apostrophe", it also showed up as ' !!)

by alex&max » 2013-01-18 07:59:44 #7642

I like Susan's idea about being able to edit your own remarks. That way, one could correct one's misleading comment so others aren't confused. I really believe that speed may be a matter of good memory, but low moves involves some strategy - the measurement should reflect that. Also, correct the apostrophe problem.

by Mom » 2013-01-18 11:13:22 #7643

I definitely think more weight should be given to low moves, instead of time.

by donnamusica » 2013-01-18 11:38:23 #7644

I always think that when we have an almost impossible game and when someone solves it, they should get some kind of bonus point. Cause oddly enough they usually don't end up with low moves so at least this would honour their accomplishment. Then again not everyone can be there at start time, so would it be fair? What does everyone think? Please give opinions even if they have already been expressed by someone...if a lot of people are for something like the edit button, or low moves carrying weight, then I am sure Yuriy will take it all the more into consideration.

by PatLogan100 » 2013-01-18 13:39:33 #7645

I also like the idea of being able to edit your comments, especially people like me who, every once in a while "fat finger" when it comes to spelling. It would also be nice to be able to "separate" those comments that are helpful for solving the game, from those that are strictly social. I'm not against the social aspect at all, but sometimes its tough to scan down looking for a helpful hint, especially at the "end of the day". IPAD will be great advancement, but I think it will kill times. Don't know until we try. Thats my $.02 worth... and yes Thanks

by donnamusica » 2013-01-18 13:59:55 #7646

the edit button is a great idea...but what Yuriy needs to know how is idea in how to calculate the ranking..what factors to take into account., what is most important. smile

by pen » 2013-01-18 15:05:49 #7647

I believe that more "skill" is involved in lower moves, especially when there are some that use special programs to achieve amazingly quick speeds!

by corky14 » 2013-01-18 15:11:25 #7648

I like all the ideas. I thought exciting would be a good rating. We have so many player's with exciting news. Marking it interesting or helpful just doesn't seem to do the trick.

by Dee » 2013-01-18 15:18:41 #7649

Well,I will let everyone else work it out. The rankings were changed sometime ago and I lost my place big time! Anyway, if Yuriy, is reading...I was one of the first Solitaire Craving fans. I "WON" an impossible game, and was accused of cheating. I did not, and do not have a clue on how to cheat on this game. So I would like you to explain how I could have cheated or give me an apology in comments for all to see, as I am NOT a cheater! It has been bothering me for years. Thank You...Dee

by donnamusica » 2013-01-18 15:24:30 #7650

don't remember that at all Dee... whoever made that accusation would have to apologize..I don't know who else could. I am certain you don't cheat and it is a shame that happened.

by Dick Christensen » 2013-01-18 16:23:32 #7651

Although I'm neither particularly fast nor adept at getting low moves I'm in favor of giving more weight (if not all) to low moves. For several reasons speed in finishing is not a good or fair determinant of skill. Some people find a mouse quicker than a mouse pad; some say that different browsers restrict speed; and of course there are those who think it's fair to use some kind of device to achieve inhuman speed (kind of like using performance enhancing drugs).

by Wotters » 2013-01-18 17:27:18 #7652

Did I hear looking at being able to play on the iPad smile that would be great. And I could play more.

by Tammie Elliott-Gehle » 2013-01-19 09:11:30 #7653

I like all the ideas as well and I am all for playing on the iPad and getting rid of that apostrophe problem!!! I would not mind having a like or dislike button as well for a comment someone else leaves rather than the misleading, helpful, etc. I like the helpful button and interesting one but I do not care much for the other words!! Oh wait - keep FUNNY!!!

by Tammie Elliott-Gehle » 2013-01-19 09:13:36 #7654

Of course there are times when I think of ideas while I am playing (which I admit has not been a lot in the past year). However, as one of the "original 1st year" players, I do keep coming back. I like some of the changes I have seen and then there are those I don't care for. I really hate the ads but I do understand why we need them!!!

by cunningstunt » 2013-01-19 09:17:08 #7655

At this time I don't play games except on my laptop, so I don't think the question of playing on alternate devices is relevant for me. I will admit that I had no clue there were special apps or programs which allow people to play quicker, or cheat. That is one of the reasons I play this game and very few others; it allows us second chance (or 3rd HAHA) to solve the same puzzle. I like that as I dislike "loose ends and unfinished business". This is a nice site, clean, without a lot of negative posting and everyone is polite; that is why I play here. Yes, please fix the apostrophe problem. Thanks for asking for input!

by wicket19 » 2013-01-19 09:19:16 #7656

I also think all the ideas sound like good ones. My kids got me an iPad for Christmas so that sounds real exciting.

by Lavendar » 2013-01-19 09:22:28 #7657

Tammie's comments sum up my thoughts - I think she's covered everything I thought of. Thanks, Tammie!

by Lynne C » 2013-01-19 09:56:55 #7658

Love the ipad and the edit button. Would like the script here to take an apostrophe. A like button would be great. Thank you Yuri!