
Message to Kenright (Karl)

by dphifer » 2012-12-14 13:30:26 #5246

Karl, I may be gullible like someone said in the comments, but I don't believe you are one of the people who have been on here impersonating other people. I know you are going through a very hard time with your wife being so sick and the surgery. I just wanted you to know that I care and I do appreciate all the kind words and prayers you sent my way when I was worried about my health. Maybe you will come back when all the anger dies down.

by dphifer » 2012-12-24 13:34:57 #7592

Karl, I wanted to wish you and your wife a very, Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! I hope the New Year brings you many joys! Please come back to chatting on the site. You don't have to talk to anyone who said bad things about you. Just chat with your friends! Love, Denise

by kenright » 2012-12-24 14:19:44 #7593

@dphifer Dear Denise. Thank you very much for renewing the thread to me. I was puzzled as a thread was started to contact me, btb then even though I promptly responded only now do I start to hear back. I miss chatting with you also and thus I thank you for continuing the thread. Yon are a genuinely nice person and I always appreciated writing you and reading your comments. You might have noticed that I shifted my contacts to SCers whom I consider friends or even a type of extended family and or who might be interested in me and what I have to contribute to the FORUM. I thank you for encouragig me to contribute to the chat but I am reluctant as I seem to have unwittingly created an allergic reaction. You might haven also noticed that some SCers whom I cosidered genuine friends wrote explicitly that I am not wanted and to stay away. So far nobody seem to have wanjted to retract the baseless accusations that I am harassing people. Dear Denise thank you for your wishes and I also wish you a very good Christmas and all the best in the New Year. I also assure you that I am not a vindictive person and bear no ill feeling toward none. but as I was told to stay away and that I am not wanted I prefer to abide by their wishes. I value very much that you are intersted and I shall faithfully continue if you so wish. Best regards Karl

by dphifer » 2012-12-25 12:57:02 #7594

Karl, I'm sorry I didn't reply soon. I've just been busy with work, Christmas shopping, putting up the tree and decorations, and taking my daughter to shop for her friends and I only get on here for a short while in the evenings. I, too, enjoy chatting with you and if you would rather chat on the forum then that's fine with me. Merry Christmas and a Blessed New Year to you and your family! Talk to you soon smile

by kenright » 2012-12-25 15:07:59 #7595

Thank you again Denise and may you also have a blesssed Christmas. As I mentioned before I was also looking for you on LinhedIn as I wanted to write you and to assure you that not only am I a good person but that I have done lots of decent and good work in my personal and professional life. I dont want to boast but wanted to let some like you who care about me, know who I am and what I did. I thought if I find your mail I can attach my CV. So I thought to have located you there and I did send you a notice that I am looking for you. You also work in the health care field and would probaly understand the impact of what I did in my life. Maybe we can do it, if you are agreeable in the coming year. For now just my best wishes. From the first moment I heard about you it was obvious that you are not only a decent but a very nice person and I developed a deep respect for what you stand for and what you say. And yes, I prefer to be on Forum. I somebody wants to know something from or about me, he has to make the effort to open up the thread. There are a few who have been so discourteous to me that I dont want them to see what I say for `free`. Also the daily chat is predominantly for Solitaire. The few nice word said there are mostly brief and deal with immediate issues. On Forum one can truly share oneself and the thread will remain and not disappear with the end of the day. So all the very best and be assured of my respect, my gratitude to you and my love. Inge is getting slowly better and also sends you her best wishes. Karl

by rachel from alaska » 2012-12-25 17:46:01 #7596

Karl, oh my goodness! I was so hoping you would still somehow stay in touch and didn't have a clue if you'd see this thread. I am really computer illiterate compared to other 57 yr. olds- i.e, forums, threads, etc., but to my defense, I live in the middle of no where, and the computer speed is like a snail, so only in the last 2 yrs could we really use our computers efficiently. It is Christmas Eve, such a Holy time of Hope and Joy! May this be a blessed and joyful time for you and Inge. My dear Mom is 81 and lives in Phx. Ariz. I miss her terribly! She and Dad were missionaries in S. Africa in the 70's/80's, and then Russia in the 80's/90's. We've been apart for so many years due to their work that I cherish every visit we can have.

by kenright » 2012-12-16 08:51:51 #7597

Dear Denise and Rachel: I had tears in my eye when I read your kind notes. I assure you on my honour that I am real and that I have not done anything wrong either on SC or ever in my life. I am an Honorary Professor at UBC and have been on the teaching faculty of 7 Canadian Universities. As I care about serving, I voluntarily worked in outlying and underserviced areas including the Hudson Basin, the Belchers and parts of Baffin. I have been the Medical Director of the Hospital in North Bay and Corky could easily verify it. My reputation there has been most positive as I organized specialized services for all the communities in North Eastern Ontario. I can send anybody who wishes my CV. For Rachel; I would love to send you my work on the spiritually oriented psychotherapy if you would give me an address where to send it. I am most disappointed and puzzled about the reactions to what I wrote on Forum, particularly as I have been most loyal to one of the persons who reacted negatively and who ought to know that I offered repeatedly all my help and the resources I can marshall. If you were to read Pastor Niemoller's story you would understand why I did what I did and what was intended to be helpful and then you would understand my disappointment that it has been misunderstood. I assure all of you and anybody who wishes to consider that I am a good person and always have been. I devoted my professional work to the most deserving and most affected person's such as the developmentally delayed, the addicted and the brain injured, In Ponoka AB I created a special treatment facility for the brain injured. I have beem active to assure Charter rights for the handicapped and for women who are psychiatrically ill. Just to name a few things I did. For Denise: Thank you for your kind words and I am deply touched. I tried to contact you and left a messag on LinkedIn as I had no e-mail. The same applies to Bex and Joanne as I wanted to let all of you know that despite all I am OK. I did not want to post on SC as I did not want to furter aggravate the seeming allergic reactions to me. As far as Inge. Thank you for asking. Se is now 4 weeks past surgery, which was very big and I am happy that she is recovering, albeit slowly. We are both now in our 80's and still enjoy what life is still offering us. Thank you from my deepest heart Karl.

by King of Hearts » 2012-12-16 16:00:39 #7598

I also do not want to further aggravate this situation as my former remarks in reply to Sally Forth's post were for us to promote the common good in each other; but I understand the reason for the deletion. Really now. We need to get a grip on our remarks on this chat. We are so quick to jump to conclusions and then ostracise. Life is hard already for most, especially in these days, without us adding distress to one another's lives. Granted, there will be misunderstandings, but I think we should be mature enough now to work through them. Maybe this would help us out some...... Slow to speak. slow to anger, but be quick to listen. Be ready to forgive as I am sure most of what goes on here is unintentional because of the limitations that online activity provides. This comment certainly does not condone the activity of the spammer who was at work among us. Discipline for that is deemed as appropriate. Activity here at SC has been rather pleasant these past couple of days. Let us work to keep it that way, as it is in our power to do so. Faith , hope and love.... the greatest of these is love. Love is a choice. smile (((((((((( SCers ))))))))))))

by rachel from alaska » 2012-12-15 16:38:22 #7599

Karl, I also don't believe you are anyone but dear you! You told me you used to work in the Northern climes (assisting full time staff stationed up in Northern Canada) and mentioned you'd bring a big box/suitcase full of veggies for the "fresh food" starved staff who lived in nonstop cold and dark. NO ONE could ever know people even do that unless they had done it in real life! Honestly, I am so sad at all the crazy name calling and witch hunting going on. I am glad to see your name pop up as I am playing SC! Hope your Christmas is warm and blessed with your sweetheart, Inge.

by kenright » 2012-12-26 18:21:17 #7600

Thank you Rachel for continuing the thread. As I wrote to Denise, on Forum we are truly able to share ourselves. Thank you for your story and what you wrote about your parents. I know how you feel about them. Inge and I are also in our 80's and cherish everything our grown up children do and accomplish. Regardless the passing of time, ones children remain dear for as long as one lives. On the happy note. Inge is now rapidly improving and thus we are even emotionally OK. Best regards and good wishes Karl smile

by dphifer » 2012-12-26 18:46:26 #7601

Dear Karl, I do not have to read your CV to know you're a kind and decent person as I can tell that from your messages to me and your loving words about your wife. But, I would be happy to read it if it would make you feel better. I looked on Linked In after you mentioned it, but did not find a message. I hardly ever check my home email as it is filled with ads, etc. Thank you for the kind words about me. I try to be kind and decent and put myself in the other person's shoes, but I am not perfect! So glad to hear Inge is improving!